Added: 15/04/2011
CLINTON BIG LIE #2: that EITHER clinton is prez material (not quite spinning Charlie Rose) by Mia T, 12.17.07 "Even when I was a governor, and young, and thought I was the best politician in the Democratic Party, I didn't run the first time I could have. I had lots of Democratic governors encouraging me to, but I knew in my bones I shouldn't run, that I was a good enough politician to win, but I didn't think I was ready to be president."--bill clinton's false Obama analogy--to Charlie Rose Of course, this is a lie. bill clinton's calculation in 1988 had nothing to do with being 'ready to be president.' * It had everything to do with being ab…
CLINTON BIG LIE #2: that EITHER clinton is prez material (not quite spinning Charlie Rose) by Mia T, 12.17.07 "Even when I was a governor, and young, and thought I was the best politician in the Democratic Party, I didn't run the first time I could have. I had lots of Democratic governors encouraging me to, but I knew in my bones I shouldn't run, that I was a good enough politician to win, but I didn't think I was ready to be president."--bill clinton's false Obama analogy--to Charlie Rose Of course, this is a lie. bill clinton's calculation in 1988 had nothing to do with being 'ready to be president.' * It had everything to do with being able to win. Which he calculated he wasn't. For these reasons: 1- Gary Hart in 1984 (especially given the Broaddrick rape by clinton 1 and revictimization of Broaddrick by clinton 2 in 1978). (What effect did/does the threat to Broaddrick by hillary clinton have on Arkansas' 6-year statute of limitations on rape? And wouldn't exposure that predated clinton Stalinist control of the media constitute de facto vitiation of the statute of limitiations, anyway?) 2. 'The economy, stupid,' stupid. The economy was too good to demagogue, too good to roll out the turn of phrase, health care reform and Perot that enabled the defective(s) to 'win' by a plurality in '92. 3. Reagan. And a D party less likely to go with a southern rube (and a midwest scold), especially with Jesse Jackson snaring Southern black votes in the primary and Southern whites electing to vote in the GOP contest. 4. The Cold War, which wasn't quite over and clinton's foreign policy experience, which was next to nil-- limited largely to selling out Arkansas economy, security and sovereignty to clinton-friendly Asian interests, an obvious dry run for what would be his (their) sorry, seditious, self-serving White House years. * Indeed, as 9/11 and his 'presidency' suggest, neither did his decision to run in '92.